Beauty Through Yoga: A Guide to Radiant Skin and a Relaxed Mind

Have you ever wondered what it takes to have radiant skin and a relaxed mind? Yoga, a timeless practice, has the answer. The beauty of yoga lies in the fact that it not only energizes your body, but also purifies your mind and soul. In this article, we will delve into two yoga practices – Kapal Randha Dhoti and Simhasa for Face – that can help you achieve a naturally glowing skin.

Kapal Randha Dhoti – A Kriya for Releasing Deep Rooted Impurities

Kapal Randha Dhoti is an extraordinary kriya that involves cleaning the face and head internally through external practices. The term “kapal” refers to the forehead and entire face, “randra” means holes or passages, and “dhauti” means cleansing.

Before starting the practice, ensure that your hands and face are clean. Stand or sit comfortably with your back erect, and raise both arms with elbows parallel to the floor. Keep your thumbs above the ends of the eyebrows and using all the other fingers, rub your forehead from right to left, applying comfortable pressure.

Next, take your index and middle finger and place them at the bridge of your nose near the inner eyes, and move them down under the eyes outwards towards the temple. Rub your index fingers from the front of the ear to the back a couple of times, and massage the neck with upward strokes using all your fingers while looking upwards.

Note: If you have pimples, dry skin, or any other skin problems, avoid rubbing the skin and simply go over the facial area by pressing and releasing. In case of very dry skin, you may apply a little moisturizer or facial oil before the practice.

The energy of all the five elements of nature, called Pancha Mahabhutas, is believed to be concentrated in our fingertips. So, when we massage our face with our fingertips, it is an extremely energizing process. This kriya irrigates all the cavities in the skull and frees them of pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and excess mucus, leaving you feeling energized and with a naturally glowing skin.

Simhasa for Face – A Lion Pose for Radiant Skin

Simhasa for Face is another fascinating yoga practice that can help you achieve radiant skin. It is also known as Lion Pose or Simhasan. To perform this asana, sit in Vajrasana, keeping some distance between your knees. Place your palms on the floor between your thighs with fingers pointing towards yourself. Lean forward, open your mouth wide, and try to stretch out your tongue as much as possible. Open your eyes wide and fix your gaze in between the eyebrows or at the tip of your nose. Breathe normally as you hold this position for a few seconds. Sit back in Bhagavatam and relax with your eyes closed.

Simhasa greatly improves circulation on the face, stimulates the nerves of the face, and brings brightness to your eyes. Regular practice of this asana will impart natural glow to your face.

Other Facial Yoga Exercises for Radiant Skin

In addition to Kapal Randha Dhoti and Simhasa for Face, there are many other ways to practice facial yoga to keep your facial muscles supple and achieve radiant skin. You can smile as widely as you can and relax your face with your eyes closed. Move your tongue all around your teeth with your mouth closed. Regularly do eye rotation by moving your eyes in a clockwise direction and then in an anticlock-clockwise direction. To stretch the mouth muscles, try to stretch your lips as far as you can and hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Another exercise is to massage your face with your fingertips in a circular motion to increase blood flow and reduce tension in the facial muscles.

You can also try the cheek lift exercise, where you suck in your cheeks and hold for 10 seconds, then release. Another exercise is the forehead smooth, where you use your fingers to smooth out wrinkles on your forehead and apply pressure for 10 seconds.

Facial yoga is a great way to improve the appearance of your skin, as it helps to tone and strengthen the muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation. It’s important to remember that consistency is key when it comes to seeing results, so make sure to practice facial yoga exercises regularly as part of your skincare routine.


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