Discover the Best Version of Yourself with these 7 Simple Habits

One of the most important things about humans is that we are all different. Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels all vary, making us unique. Good health is a priority in our lives, and taking care of ourselves is our duty.


Water is the most important element for our body, as it makes up 60% of our body weight. Drinking sufficient water every day is essential, and you can make this habit more interesting by drinking warm water with a pinch of salt and lemon twice a day. This will naturally detox your system.

Physical Activity

Being active is crucial for our health, as it helps to strengthen our muscles and bones. Practicing yoga once a day can help you achieve this, and specifically, the six Surya Namaskar asanas can improve your posture and help to stretch your spine.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing is an important aspect of our well-being, and practicing equal breathing (inhaling and exhaling for three counts) can dramatically change your emotional state. Take a few minutes each day to relax, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.

Mindful Relaxation

Taking a break from the constant chatter of our minds is essential for our mental and emotional health. Spending 10 minutes each day in a quiet place, with your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed, can help you find peace and calmness.


Incorporating creativity into your daily routine can have a rejuvenating effect on your mind and body. Spend 10 minutes each day on a creative activity, such as cooking or gardening, to help bring out your inner creativity.


Involving yourself in selfless activities, such as volunteering or helping the elderly, can bring immense satisfaction and help you develop empathy towards others. Set aside some time each week to do something kind for someone else.

By following these seven simple habits, you can discover a healthier and fitter version of yourself. The time you invest in these activities will enrich your life in many ways. Finally, always be grateful for the blessings in your life.


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